Friday, 19 January 2018

How to Choose a University to Take the Professional Year Program

Australia is a well known country that provides high quality education all over the world. This is why a lot of international students prefer studying in Australia in order to gain knowledge and experiences that will benefit their future careers. Even if Australia is a well-developed country, they still lack in the accounting, information technology, and engineering workforce. In order to increase their workforce in these fields, they decided to introduce the Professional Year Program for international students. However, many international students are unaware of what universities will be best to take this course in. Here are some tips that will help international students decide on a university that offers the course.

Friday, 12 January 2018

Qualifying Professional Year Program in Accounting and What are Its Benefits

The Professional Year Program is approved and designed by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection in order to prepare graduates for their workforce in Australia. During a professional year program, students will learn the necessary skills required for their career development through formal structured learning and a workplace experience. If you are an international student who graduated in accounting, information technology, or engineering from a University in Australia, then you should definitely try qualifying for a Professional Year Program Perth. The professional year program is provided for these courses since Australia’s workforce lacks in these professions.